Critical Points of Resistance: Preparing Adult Educators to Educate Inside the U.S. Prison System


  • Dominique T. Chlup Inspiring the Creative Within®, LLC [Independent Education Scholar]



Prison Education, Adult Learning, Critical Pedagogy


This is a proposal answering the call for the Special Theme Issue on Adult Learning and Mass Incarceration. The purpose of this proposed research article is to present a case study that demonstrates the application of innovative critical pedagogical teaching methods used in a University classroom setting with adult educators who were preparing to teach inside the U.S. prison and jail system. While there is a body of literature that discusses the nature of adult education in the prison classroom, there has been a lack of data-based research that specifically highlights the critically overlooked issue of how do we develop adult educators for the task of teaching on the “inside� This article will be an example of engaging alternatives and reformulating the conceptualization of how to approach preparing adult educators to teach behind bars by discovering and creating new possibilities for the role of adult education in prison.

Author Biography

Dominique T. Chlup, Inspiring the Creative Within®, LLC [Independent Education Scholar]

ABOUT DR. CHLUP:  Dr. Dominique T. Chlup is a tenured University Associate Professor turned professional Creativity & Writing Coach. She serves as the President and Chief Creative Officer of Inspiring the Creative Within®, LLC.  She now spends her time offering workshops and coaching her clients in how to recover their creative academic souls and helping them to develop stress-free habits of writing. Her research interests focus on the creative and artistic abilities of adult learners. Additionally, she has a special interest in gender and education and how the areas of social justice and diversity relate to adult learners, especially women student inmates.

Dr. Chlup has five degrees behind her name.  She received her Doctorate in Education and her Master’s in Education from Harvard University and has a MFA in Fiction Writing from Sarah Lawrence.  Additionally, she has degrees in English and History from Columbia University.  She is the author/co-author of over $6.7 million in funded grant projects and serves as the co-Principal Investigator on the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) Familes4College project.  She has authored/co-authored over 200 publications and presentations all written one word at a time.  You can connect with her directly through her website



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