The Early Implementation of Common Core State Standards in Mathematics in a Parochial Middle School in North Carolina: A Case Study


  • Candace Mazze None; self-employed


curriculum change, implementation, self-efficacy


This article reports on research conducted on the implementation of Common Core State Standards in Mathematics at a parochial middle school in North Carolina during the 2012-2013 school year. The study examines the adoption of new curriculum standards in terms of teacher perceptions, feelings of self-efficacy and perceived effects on student learning using a case study methodology. The case study provides insight to student learning and teachers’ perceived abilities to teach when there is a dramatic curriculum change. The results of this case study may also be useful in teacher training and professional development when a new curriculum is adopted.

Author Biography

Candace Mazze, None; self-employed

A recent graduate of the Educational Leadership program with a Doctor of Education from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte now involved in content writing for K-12 and higher education organizations






Research Articles